
All is set for Judiciary’s National Open Day

Kampala– The Judiciary of Uganda together with other key players in the Justice Law and Order Sector have finalized preparations for the first National Open Day scheduled to take place on Monday 15th April at Kololo Independence grounds.

His Worship James Mawanda Eremye, Judiciary spokesperson addressing the press (Photos by Judiciary)

On addressing journalists at Judiciary headquarters in Kampala on Thursday, His Worship James Mawanda Eremye , the spokesperson for the judiciary called upon the members of the general public to turn up in large numbers to Kololo in order to learn more about Uganda’s judicial system.

“For all along, the Judiciary has been affected by people’s misunderstandings about its roles as well as people’s attitudes towards court decisions in matters of public interest. Many people

Have ranked it as the most difficult Institution to deal with to the extent that some people think that a poor person can’t win a case before court , which is totally wrong.” Remarked Eremye

He therefore asked people to come and receive first hand information from the top management of the Judiciary on its operations than believing lies which are peddled by people with hidden agenda or for personal gains.

“We have been conducting court open days at various courts in Uganda , at various levels…at national court open day, people from various backgrounds will free attend, share concerns about the services of the judiciary

We shall have full participation of all stakeholders in justice chain, court users litigants , legal practitioners , legal service providers.”

He further added that this event which will be officiated by the Chief Justice Aliphonse Owiny Dollo, will have a series of activities including highlighting more to the public about the services offered by the judiciary, mechanisms which have been put in place to improve service delivery, receiving feedback from the people as well as sensitizing them about the court processes.

Her Worship Mary Kaitesi, Registrar Research Planning and Development , doubling as the Secretary of the Organizing Committee of the National Court Open Day revealed that the event will start at exactly 8am on Monday , with members of the general public visiting stalls of the key players in the justice sector.

“Among those who have already confirmed attendance include the Office of Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP), Law Development Center (LDC), Judicial Service Commission, Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) and others. Come and learn more about their roles in the justice sector.”

Kisakye also emphasized that on Monday next week, Court Registries will be open but there will be no hearing of cases.

The participants from the judiciary will include justices from Supreme court, Court of Appeal, High court circuits with all their Registrars.

Others to participate will be Magistrates from all Chief Magistrates Court in Kampala , staff from the Judicial Training Institute as well as the Inspectorate of courts.
















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