Church probes King’s College Budo over sodomy claims

The main of King's College Budo. PHOTO/COURTESY

The main of King’s College Budo. PHOTO/COURTESY

The allegations of homosexuality at King’s College Budo have drawn the attention of the foundation body, the Church of Uganda, UG Standard has established.

Social media has over the last few days been awash with reports of homosexuality at the school after a parent in a post, claimed that one of the teachers has been sodomizing his son.

Rev. Nathan Mulondo, the secretary in charge of education at Namirembe Diocese, said such allegations, although not substantiated are tarnishing the image of the school and they want to get to the bottom of the matter.

“These are all lines of investigations. In the post, it is said that there was some victimization and we cannot rule out that this can happen. That is why we need to look at this issue. The investigations will involve different people, from management, PTA, body of governors and diocese,” he said.

The school administration on Wednesday dismissed as fake a letter purportedly issued by the headteacher indicating that the school was confirming the complaints by the parent.

The head teacher, John Fred Kazibwe, yesterday was not available to respond to our queries.

But the Old Budonians Club President, Jimmy Katenda, who is also a member of the school board of governors pointed out that there were several ongoing meetings to reach “the bottom of the problem.”

Allegations of homosexuality at Budo, specifically, are not new. In the past years, there have been reports about this problem in the school but scant information has been given by the administrators. For instance, in 2021 when fire gutted the school for the third time in a space of one month, this issue was pointed out.

During an interview with a local newspaper, Patrick Bakka Male, the then-school headteacher (now deceased), confirmed that they had expelled students for beating up their colleague they suspected of sodomy.
In Uganda, homosexuality is still considered illegal.

The Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Act of 2014 was invalidated on procedural grounds by the Constitutional Court in 2016. However, Homosexuality remains criminalized under the Penal Code Act as a crime against morality.

This means that individuals who engage in homosexuality can still be prosecuted under the law. In the same development, there is a group of people who think that the current scandal being raised might have a hidden motive.

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