
Court of Appeal successfully mediates 3.2 Billion Shillings Case

KAMPALA -In  a notable success story in Appellate Mediation, the Court of Appeal has today mediated a case valued at 3.2 billion shillings.

Deputy Chief Justice Richard Buteera (right) presiding over the mediation session.


The matter was presided over by Deputy Chief Justice Richard Buteera, Civil Appeal No. 521 of 2022 concerning the administration of the Estate of the Late Anslem Semakula Musoke was successfully settled through a consent withdrawal.

Reflecting on the case, the DCJ highlighted its complexity and size, expressing satisfaction that, through Mediation, the parties not only reached an agreement but also reconciled and committed to living in peace and harmony. He emphasized the efficiency of the process in saving time and resources, preventing the need for further appeals.

Justice Buteera commended those involved in the innovation of Appellate Mediation at the Court of Appeal. Adding that there are developments in drafting of the Appellate Mediation Rules by the Law Reform Committee of the Judiciary where consultation of different stakeholders is being done.

Acknowledging the success of the pilot programme, the DCJ noted that the Court of Appeal conducted 60 Mediations and successfully concluded 32 appeals through Appellate Mediation in the previous year. He noted that this mechanism saves on time and cost as well as preventing cases from progressing to the Supreme Court.

His Worship Dr. Alex Mushabe Karocho (Deputy Registrar in charge of Appellate Mediation) thanked the litigants in the case, emphasizing that mediation is a collaborative effort where the agreement ultimately belongs to the parties involved. He commended the advocates for their patience and skills demonstrated in listening, participating and guiding the parties.

The advocates thanked Dr. Mushabe for the excellent pre-mediation conference that set a good ground for the successful Mediation.


Mr Paul Muhimbura, an advocate representing the Appellant, expressed satisfaction with the settlement and appreciated the efforts of the DCJ in making the parties comfortable during the Mediation process.

Mr Albert Collins Kyeyune, an advocate for the respondent, highlighted the importance of a mediator’s mindset and commended the DCJ for effectively mediating the case.

Mediation at the Court of Appeal is also conducted by Justice Geoffery Kiryabwire (Focal Justice) and Lady Justice Eva Luswata.














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