
Dollo promises improved service delivery as citizens decry delays in the justice sector

KOLOLO – The Chief Justice of Uganda Alifonse Chigamoy Owiny Dollo has commended citizens for sparing their precious time and turned for Judiciary’s first National Open day event where they pointed out several challenges they face in process of seeking justice.

Chief Justice Alifonse Owiny Dollo being received at Kololo Independence grounds by Chief Registrar Sarah Langa Siu on Monday. (Photo by Judiciary)

The event held at Kololo Independence grounds, brought together people from various parts of the country reported to the Chief Justice that some of his officials in the judiciary and other partners in the justice chain are the hindering blocks which have delayed or obstructing justice in most of their cases.

Majority of those who received a chance to air out their grievances, pointed out delays, Corruption, few courts in their localities and lower number of judicial officers as some of the reasons that are affecting judiciary’s service delivery in their areas.

“In 2006, I suffered damages during the construction of the Northern by pass, I was one of the people who were affected by the project. I filed a case in court 10 years back but unfortunately I have never received justice.” Kasoma John Bosco a resident of Nansana cried out.

Judicial officers in a procession heading to Kololo on Monday (Photo by Judiciary)

Kikonyogo Richard, another citizen who participated in the National Court Open day complained about the delays in disposing off cases related to land matters adding that this has continued to cause frustration and suffering among many people.

In response to the people’s complaints, the Chief Justice Aliphonse Owiny Dollo urged people to adopt Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms for land matters valued below 50 million shillings so as to reduce on the case backlog with in the judicial system.

“In a country side where elders seriously take up their responsibility to do right by all members of the community, land disputes take less time. A case which could take more than seven years in court , can be resolved through mediation in one month.”

He reminded Judicial officers that they have a duty to be accountable to Ugandans on his behalf they dispense justice, however he asked the public to be respectful wherever they are raising complaints against judges and Magistrates.

“Judicial power is derived from the people and shall be exercised by the courts established under this Constitution in the name of the people and in conformity with law and with the values, norms and aspirations of the people.”

He further promised that they will continue pushing to ensure that judicial services are extended closer to the local people.

Some of the people that turned up at Kololo at ODPP tent. (Courtesy photo)

Hon. Norbert Mao, the Minster for justice and Constitutional affairs asked the Judicial Service Commission, a body mandate with recruiting and disciplining of judicial officers to set serious punishment to any officer found guilty of engaging in corruption

He also further called for serious background check among candidates applying for Judicial jobs so that they can only recruit qualified personnel with zeal to serve the people than those seeking survival

Lady Justice Frances Abodo, the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) called upon citizens to report all those officers in her office who engage in corruption.

The event attracted key players in the Justice sectors who took through the members of the public through their roles and responsibilities.















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