
Embattled Minister Namuganza runs to Magogo to halt censure ploy

State minister for lands Persis Namuganza (PHOTO/Courtesy).

Having achieved the required minimum 176 signatures, minister of state for housing, Persis Namuganza has resorted to talks with Fufa President who also doubles as the Speaker’s Husband Moses Magogo in a bid to save her from being censured.

According to a highly impeccable source who preferred anonymity, junior minister Namuganza has since attempted to meet Magogo through numerous phone calls seeking an appointment but to no avail.

The minister has on many occasions been seen on different local media stations defending her ‘misconduct’, but was later shut down over inaccurate and inappropriate utterances on air.

The parliamentary Committee on Rules, Privileges, and Discipline recommended last week that Ms Persis Namuganza be censured on account of her conduct “not befitting of a Member of Parliament and a minister.”

In a report, the committee also held that “being cognisant of the fact that Parliament approved her appointment as a minister, recommends that the House invokes Article 118 (1) (b) of the Constitution and Rule 106 of the Rules of Procedure to censure her.”

It all started when Namuganza fraudulently gave out Naguru-Nakawa land which prompted the House to constitute an ad hoc committee to investigate the irregularity of giving out government’s land under the guise of “Presidential Directive” which she could not avail any evidence to justify.

Extracts of the ad hoc committee examined the process through which the land in the Nakawa-Naguru estate was allocated to the various claimants and their report implicated Minister Namuganza in gross negligence and abuse of public office.

Last week, Agago North MP, John Okot Amos, who seconded by Ntungamo Municipality MP Yona Musinguzi wrote to the clerk to parliament, Adolf Mwesige expressing their intention to move a motion of censure against Namuganza on grounds of misconduct and misbehaviour.

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