JOEL AITA: A young entrepreneur must travel

Joel Aita Jaffer is a pan African entrepreneur and engineering contractor. He is the founder of Joadah Consultant,

In the year 2023, I traveled to 6 Countries, 40 Cities and 341 towns. Totaling to 25,285km by road and 15,063km by air alone in 2023.

This brings to a total of 42 Countries I have traveled since 2009.

In 2007, I decided that I must travel far and wide. So every available opportunity I would get, I jump in a bus or my small Toyota Kikumi and head to a new district within Uganda. This show me traverse the whole of Uganda.

As a budding entrepreneur, it is highly advisable to embrace the opportunity to explore diverse horizons by embarking on extensive travels. Venture beyond the confines of your local surroundings and extend your journeys both within and outside your home country. The act of traveling serves as a powerful catalyst for expanding your perspective and broadening your mental horizons in ways that may surpass your imagination.

Strive to traverse the length and breadth of your nation, immersing yourself in the rich tapestry of cultures, industries, and markets that exist within its borders. Beyond domestic boundaries, set your sights on international destinations that align with your business interests. The experience of navigating unfamiliar territories, interacting with diverse communities, and encountering varied business landscapes is invaluable for personal and professional growth.

My First time out of Uganda was in Israel that was in 2009. The experience of entering the plane alone is a lesson. My 10 days in Israel gave me ever lasting lessons.

The Most scary of all was in 2012 when we had to move from Bunagana to Goma by road and had to pass through over 5 war lords within that 98km stretch. Then reaching Goma we got arrested. I didnt have Yellow fever Certificate. The guy got a syringe huge like for injecting an elephant in the Ituri province. The only option was to pay $100. The same night got arrested by the police. At the end of the 14 day trip I lost $12,000 USD and didnt get the deal 🤣. But I learnt how not to loose the money.

A year later in 2013, we also had a trip to Juba, got arrested, tried and sentenced all in Arabic in an illegal detention center. However, we were rescued by the SS Presidential guard after a 10 hour imprisonment.

The profound impact of travel on the entrepreneurial mindset cannot be overstated. Exposure to different cultures, business practices, and societal dynamics fosters a heightened sense of adaptability and innovation. It cultivates a global perspective that can prove instrumental in navigating the complexities of the contemporary business landscape.

By venturing far and wide, you not only accumulate a wealth of knowledge but also cultivate a network of connections that spans geographic boundaries. These connections can be instrumental in fostering collaborations, gaining insights into emerging markets, and establishing a broader understanding of the global economic ecosystem.

In essence, the transformative power of travel lies in its ability to break down mental barriers, stimulate creativity, and instill a deep appreciation for the diversity inherent in the world of business. As a young entrepreneur, make it a priority to seize every opportunity to embark on these exploratory journeys, for it is through travel that you will discover new facets of yourself and your entrepreneurial journey.

Joel Aita