Museveni heads to Vietnam for business summit

Preseident Museveni departs to Vietnam for a State visit on 22nd Nov 2022 (PHOTO/Courtesy).

President Yoweri Museveni has this morning left for the Socialist Republic of Vietnam for a 3-day state visit.

While in Vietnam, the President will hold discussions with Vietnamese Government leaders on various areas of cooperation and common interest.

The President will also attend the Vietnam- Uganda Business Forum, a summit being organized by the Private Sector Foundation (PSFU) Uganda and Uganda Investment Authority in partnership with the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Equity Bank Uganda, and the Honorary Consul of Vietnam in Uganda in collaboration with the Vietnam Government.

The trade exhibition will run concurrently with the business summit scheduled for 23rd to 26th November and will provide a platform for the public sector, private sector, and financial institutions to engage and interact with potential investors and partners that will in the long run boost trade between the two countries.

Participants will include representatives from the Government of Uganda, the private sector, financial institutions, trade associations and targeted key players.

The President was seen off at the Entebbe International Airport by the Vice President Jessica Alupo.

Others at the Airport who saw him off included; the Minister for Presidency Milly Babirye Babalanda, Head of the Public Service and Secretary to cabinet Ms. Lucy Nakyobe Mbonye, Commissioner General of Prisons Dr. Johnson Byabashaija, Major Gen. Abel Kandiho, the Joint Chief of Staff Uganda Police and Commander Airforce Lt. Gen. Charles Okidi.

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