
Joy as Emeritus Archbishop of Kampala Wamala, marks 28 years as Cardinal

NSAMBYA — Cardinal Emmanuel Wamala has celebrated 41 years as Bishop and 28 years as Cardinal.

The luncheon to mark his episcopal ordination was hosted by his friends at his residence in Nsambya, Kampala.

Cardinal Wamala who will also be celebrating his 96th birthday on December 15th was promulgated and solemnly inaugurated as Bishop on November 22 1981.

A cardinal is a senior member of the clergy of the Catholic Church.

Cardinals are created by the ruling pope and typically hold the title for life. Collectively, they constitute the College of Cardinals.

Their most solemn responsibility is to elect a new pope in a conclave, almost always from among themselves (with a few historical exceptions), when the Holy See is vacant.

During the period between a pope’s death or resignation and the election of his successor, the day-to-day governance of the Holy See is in the hands of the College of Cardinals.

The right to participate in a conclave is limited to cardinals who have not reached the age of 80 years by the day the vacancy occurs.

Clad in a red plain robe, Cardinal Wamala, the Archbishop Emeritus of the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Kampala looked very happy before his friends from UPDF chief of logistics Brig. Gen. Charles Bakahumura’s family and was able to feast with them.

Brig. Gen Bakahumura who led the friends of the Cardinal Wamala expressed his pleasure to have been allowed by the Cardinal to organize a feast and celebrate with him upon reaching his twin anniversaries.

He, however, called upon the young people to stop undermining elders and considering them as low thinkers yet the society needs them in any situation.

Those present at the feast included the blood relatives of Cardinal Wamala like Fr. Matia Yawe, Fr. Bonaventure Wasswa Ssebyanzi, Martha Nsubuga, a granddaughter to the Cardinal among others.

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