Sexual Education is key to University students- stakeholders

KYAMBOGO-Various key stakeholders have asked parents as well as all institutions learning to equip adolescents with proper information on reproductive health if they are to succeed in life.

Dr. Jessica Nsungwa , the Commissioner for Maternal Health in Ministry of Health addressing participants (courtesy photo)

At the University Dialogue held at Kyambogo University over the weekend , many blamed the increase of HIV prevalence among adolescents, cases of unsafe abortion and teenage mothers to lack of sensitization to the youth especially on matters relating to sexual reproductive health.

Dr. Jessica Nsungwa , the Commissioner for Maternal Health in Ministry of Health, on addressing participants noted that that its wrong for some education institutions to de-campaign sexual education with a misconception that it only talks about sex

“Sexual education involves very many topics that are helpful to young people at University because majority are engaged in sexual relationships. its only through open dialogues like this that we can bring barriers.

Jackson Chekweko, the Executive Director of Reproductive Health Uganda.

Jackson Chekweko, the Executive Director of Reproductive Health Uganda (RHU) , one of the organizers of this event, emphasized the need to have more events of that kind because they enable students from various universities gather and share knowledge on Health related matters.

“Here we having a safe space for young people to interact freely with policy makers, leadership from various universities. We have heard them talking passionately about sexual and reproductive health of the young people.”

He added that the country is still grappling with high number of teenage pregnancy cases and abortion because Sexual education has not been properly handled at various levels.

Hon. Betty Ethel Naluyima, the woman Member of Parliament for Wakiso district, urged students not to rush into having children at an early stage , but should first complete their studies

“Family comes with a lot of responsibilities which you cannot handle if you’re not financially stable. Being that majority of you are still dependents on your parents , you can’t manage taking care of other people.”

She also noted that as part of her campaign to promote girl child education, she mobilizes support for teenage mothers to go back school on top of encouraging their parents to give those that had dropped out a second chance.

At this dialogue , students got an opportunity to make consultations on issues relating to sexual and reproductive health.

The Universities which attended included; Kyambogo, Makerere, Kampala international University (KIU), Ndejje , Busitema, IUIU, Cavendish, Mbarara and many others.