William Byamugisha is a 56-year-old farmer who hails from Nombe ward, Rubugiri town council in Kisoro district, and lives together with his...
Participants at the Launch of the GP-SAEP Project in Uganda KAMPALA: On the 29th February 2024, the Uganda Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services...
The Minister of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF), Frank Tumwebaze, has revealed that the government is in the process of procuring...
Harriet Nakasi National Coordinator ACSA addressing the audience Kampala: On 31st October 2023, the 7th National Annual Organic Innovation and Research Dissemination...
Groundnuts local seeds, Photo by ESAFF Uganda Kampala: The 5th National Agroecology Actors’ Symposium (NAAS) on Tuesday, October 24, 2023, organized by Participatory...
African soils are known to be one of the oldest soils on the planet. First because of the temperatures we live in,...
Members of Parliament have urged the Ministry of Agriculture, Animal Industry and Fisheries (MAAIF) to consider enacting a policy requiring all large-scale...