5 things you need to know about the world’s least developed countries

Three years after the world began to shut down as COVID-19 took hold, the UN…

SAMUEL OBEDGIU: Africans should play vaccine geo-politics right to survive the next pandemic

In June 2022, the World Trade Organization finally arrived at an agreement on the controversial…

2022 Year In health: New Ebola and cholera outbreaks, mpox emergency, COVID-19 ‘not over’

The UN warned that the COVID-19 pandemic is still a cause for global concern, and…

Ebola outbreak declared in Uganda

Uganda’s health ministry and the World Health Organization (WHO) on Tuesday declared an outbreak of…

MICHEAL JJINGO: SMEs can win customers and influence their buying

KAMPALA — In the recent past, making our usual visits to several malls and markets,…

Govt increases agricultural sector budget to spur economic transformation

KAMPALA — Government has during the reading of the 2022/2023 National Budget indicated that the…

ROGERS WADADA: Why is govt insisting on vaccinating children against covid 19?

The last two decades have brought with them uncertainty with new diseases emerging from nowhere…

Minister Amongi rallies world to recover jobs lost during COVID

The Minister for Gender, Labour and Social Development, Hon. Amongi Betty Ongom has called for…

Uganda’s first online real estate map and directory launches

Ugandan commercial real estate news, information, and data resource for industry professionals, Real Muloodi News…

COVID-19 TALES: Inside a Ugandan frontliner’s dairy

On 18th March 2020, in the early hours of the day, mobile phones were frantically…