General Manager TotalEnergies Uganda

TotalEnergies Uganda’s Transformative Scholarships: Empowering Students from Uganda’s Oil Regions

In the heart of Uganda's thriving oil region, young dreams are being ignited, one scholarship…

PICTORIAL: Ugandans in the US hold protests at Chinese, French and Ugandan Embassies over Oil Pipeline project

A section of Ugandans in the United States of America have staged protests at the…

TotalEnergies EP Uganda launches the Action for Sustainability Campaign

KAMPALA— TotalEnergies EP Uganda has unveiled an Action for Sustainability campaign aimed at showcasing the…

Be humble and address issues raised by the EU Parliament! Oil experts tell Museveni on EACOP

KAMPALA —Angrier politically motivated responses against the European Parliament resolution over the execution of the…

All you need to know about the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) Project

KAMPALA —The East Africa Crude Oil Pipeline project (EACOP), which is meeting resistance from opponents…

Uganda govt, TotalEnergies allay fears of oil pipeline damage to environment

TotalEnergies Uganda has allayed fears that the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) project and…