Uganda Development Bank staff graduate in patriotic leadership

Patricia Ojangole (L), Managing Director UDB the Vice President of Uganda H.E Maj. (RTD) Jessica Alupo at the graduation of UDB staff who underwent a one-week training in transformative leadership at the National Leadership Institute (NALI) - Kyankwanzi, together with Felix Okoboi (R) Chairman Board of Directors at UDB, and Hon. Matia Kasaijja(2nd R) Minister of Finance of Uganda, NALI, and UDB officials. The event was held yesterday (31st January 2023) in Kyankwanzi.

Patricia Ojangole (L), Managing Director UDB the Vice President of Uganda H.E Maj. (RTD) Jessica Alupo at the graduation of UDB staff who underwent a one-week training in transformative leadership at the National Leadership Institute (NALI) – Kyankwanzi, together with Felix Okoboi (R) Chairman Board of Directors at UDB, and Hon. Matia Kasaijja(2nd R) Minister of Finance of Uganda, NALI, and UDB officials. The event was held yesterday (31st January 2023) in Kyankwanzi.

KAMPALA — The Staff of Uganda Development Bank (UBD) have graduated in transformative leadership from the National Leadership Institute (NALI) Kyankwanzi.

The two-week leadership training sought to facilitate and develop quality leaders who would stimulate Uganda’s socio-economic transformation while building a culture of leadership discipline and service beyond self, cultivating a culture of patriotism and commitment towards Uganda’s development agenda, creating a new understanding of self-leadership from “the context of Pan Africanism and developing new strategies for creating sustainable working relationships.”

Vice President of Uganda, Jessica Alupo officiated at the Tuesday afternoon graduation event held at the Kyankwanzi-based National Leadership Institute.

“This training intends to produce leaders who are ideologically consciousness, especially of the elements of national ideology including patriotism, pan-Africanism, socio-economic transformation, and democracy,” the Vice President said.

“With this ideological orientation, we are developing leaders who are knowledgeable about the dynamics of society as we aspire to attain middle-income status. Therefore commend UDB leadership for considering this training for your staff given the critical role that you play in the socio-economic transformation of this country.”

Alupo commended UDB for their service to the country noting that they plan a critical role in Uganda’s development.

Some of the topics that were covered during the training included Uganda’s potential and endowment, mindset change, public service, and thinking as a tool of analysis, among others.

“At UDB, we do value staff development. Such trainings are key for our management and staff at the various levels within the organization, as it aligns with the Bank’s mandate of supporting the government towards inspiring socio-economic development, as well as serving as a reminder of what we are supposed to do as leaders who have been entrusted to serve Ugandans,” said UDBL Managing Director, Patricia Ojangole.

She added, “UDBL appreciates the management and entire team at NALI for their dedication. With the knowledge shared, am confident that you have planted seeds of patriotism that will henceforth a long way in enabling the government to stimulate its social-economic transformation goal.”

The Director NALI, Brig. General Charles Kisembo commended UDB for collaborating with the Institute to train their staff.

Gen Kisembo said that the trainings at NALI are designed to build patriotism for Uganda country, as well as an avenue to mentor resilient leaders who will support the country towards achieving growth through the stewardship of the various individuals or organizations that hold positions of influence within public service.

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