Uganda’s Coffee Industry in Crisis: Production Plummets, Farmers Suffer

Mr. Robert Kabushenga is a coffee farmer

Mr. Robert Kabushenga is a coffee farmer

KAMPALA— Uganda’s once-thriving coffee industry is facing a devastating crisis, with production plummeting and farmers struggling to survive. According to industry expert Robert Kabushenga, the sector’s decline is a result of systemic failures, exploitation, and inadequate support.

Production in Free Fall

Uganda’s coffee production has plummeted from 4 million bags to a mere 2.5 million, despite having the potential to produce 10 million bags. This staggering decline has left farmers reeling, with many struggling to make ends meet.

“The coffee industry is a tragedy. We have the potential to produce 10 million bags, but we are stuck at 2.5 million. It’s a shame,” Kabushenga laments.

Farmers Exploited

Middlemen are taking advantage of desperate farmers, buying coffee at rock-bottom prices and selling it at exorbitant rates. This exploitative practice has left farmers with meager earnings, forcing many to abandon their crops.

“Farmers are being exploited by middlemen who buy coffee from them at very low prices and sell it at high prices. This is unacceptable,” Kabushenga emphasizes.

Government Initiatives Fall Short

Despite promises of support, government initiatives have failed to address the sector’s challenges. Kabushenga criticizes the lack of effective solutions, urging policymakers to take decisive action.

“The government has failed to address the challenges facing the coffee industry. We need decisive action, not just promises,” Kabushenga stresses.

Quality Coffee, Outdated Processing

Uganda’s coffee is renowned for its high quality, but the industry’s outdated processing technologies are hindering its competitiveness. Modernization is crucial to enhance quality and meet global standards.

“Our coffee is of high quality, but our processing technologies are outdated. We need to modernize to compete globally,” Kabushenga notes.

Marketing and Promotion in Limbo

The coffee industry suffers from inadequate marketing and promotion, leaving it invisible in the global market. Effective marketing strategies are essential to increase demand and sales.

“We need effective marketing strategies to promote our coffee and increase demand. We can’t just rely on production alone,” Kabushenga argues.

Kabushenga urges stakeholders to address these challenges, emphasizing the potential for Uganda’s coffee industry to thrive. “It’s time for decisive action to rescue our coffee industry from this tragedy. We can’t afford to wait any longer.”

With the industry on the brink of collapse, it’s imperative for policymakers, farmers, and stakeholders to join forces and revitalize Uganda’s coffee sector.

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