UN Capital Fund partners with European Union to support Agriculture in Uganda

EU Head of Delegation Jan Sadek,  EU Partnerships Dep. Director Myriam Ferran, President Yoweri Museveni and UNCDF Head of Country office, Sophie De Coninck

EU Head of Delegation Jan Sadek, EU Partnerships Dep. Director Myriam Ferran, President Yoweri Museveni and UNCDF Head of Country office, Sophie De Coninck

In a bold move to catalyze economic development and foster sustainable growth, the European Union Delegation in Uganda, in collaboration with the United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF), has launched the Support to Agricultural Revitalization and Transformation (START) Phase II.

This visionary initiative, backed by an investment of EUR 11.5 million, aims to empower agribusiness SMEs and drive inclusive, green economic transformation across Uganda. Building upon the success of START Phase I, which saw over 50 SMEs receive UGX 13.5 billion in financial support, START II is poised to extend its impact across the country.

With a focus on promoting value addition and agro-processing, START II aims to provide agribusiness SMEs with accessible financing solutions while prioritizing sustainability and inclusivity.
Sophie De Coninck, Head of Uganda Office at UNCDF, emphasizes the transformative potential of the START Facility, stating, “By bridging the financing gap and enhancing technical capabilities, we aspire to galvanize sustainable growth and foster economic resilience.”

The launch of START Phase II underscores the commitment of the European Union and UNCDF to supporting inclusive and green economic transformation in Uganda, ultimately paving the way for a thriving agribusiness sector and sustainable development.

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