
All set for the First Eritrean Diaspora Investment Conference

Amb. Abbey Walusimbi with the Eritreans organising committee

The Office of the President is set to host the first ever Eritrean Diaspora Investment conference aimed at appreciating and boosting business and investment by the Eritrean community in Uganda.

Addressing the Media at Grand Hub Restaurant in Kabalagala- Kampala, the Senior Presidential Advisor on Diaspora Affairs, Amb. Abbey Walusimbi said that the event that will take place on Thursday, 2nd March, 2023 will be the first of its kind and will bring together members of the Eritrean community who will interface with Ugandan government officials.

Amb. Walusimbi said that the interface will appreciate and recognize the contribution of the Eritrean community in Uganda in supporting and building Uganda’s economy.

“For a while now, I have interacted with different Eritrean Nationals and have come to appreciate their business acumen. This has also given me exposure to the challenges they face as a community despite which they continue to thrive and bring in more money into the Ugandan Economy which cannot be ignored,” Amb. Walusimbi said

Amb. Walusimbi said that, “For many years, His Excellency President Yoweri Museveni has been known to be the most welcoming Head of State who opened Uganda’s borders to other nationals. This is the reason we have not only Eritreans but also different nationalities that have turned Uganda into their second home.”

He noted that the conference which will run under the theme “Anchoring Eritrean Investment into a Vibrant Uganda” organized at the Office of the President seeks to explore potential investment opportunities and also craft ways to address some of the challenges Eritreans face during their stay in the country and in their businesses.

Amb. Walusimbi with Eritrean Investor, Kadane Ghebrehawariat Habteselassie

While speaking on behalf of the Eritrean community organization team, Mrs. Kisanet Tedros CEO and Founder, Beles Bubu Organisation appreciated President Museveni for being a father to all African nationals and opening up the country to receive and host Eritreans from all walks of life.

Kisanet said that Uganda is their second home appreciating Ugandans for being very friendly and hospitable which has allowed them to easily integrate within the community.

“I would like in a special way to appreciate Amb. Abbey Walusimbi for opening up his office to receive us and walk with us as we bring together all our brothers and sisters under one roof so that we can discuss the future of our stay in Uganda,” Kisanet said.

She added that, “This program has nothing to do with politics or religious affiliations; this is about business and the people of Eritrean community; during the conference we shall be discussing all the achievements that we have gained and the investments we have made as an Eritrean community in Uganda in a bid to improve the working relationship as well as expanding our investment scope.”

Christina T. Yamane the Managing Director Biyem Hotel noted that the event will highlight a number of issues in line with taxation, land acquisition, immigration, visa access, refugee status, access to justice, education, among others.

“We urge all members of the community, investors and the intending investors to come and join us, we thank whoever is behind this event and all the partners that have supported the cause.  This is a great opportunity to our community, Uganda is our second home, we are encouraging the people of our community to be investing here in Uganda,” Christina noted.

The event will see a number of government officials in attendance from the different sectors of the economy. These include; Uganda Investment Authority (UIA), Ministry of Trade and Industry, Uganda Revenue Authority (URA), Directorate of Citizenship and Immigration Control, Office of the President, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Lands, State House, Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Ministry of Health, Judiciary among others.

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