
Migrant Worker Returnee, Kyotalimye Wants Museveni to Prevail over Officials at Ugandan Embassy in Saudi Arabia

Joan Agnes Kyotalimye upon from Saudi Arabia

Uganda Migrant worker Joan Agnes Kyotalimye upon return to the country has called upon President Museveni to reprevail over the officials at the Ugandan Embassy in Saudi Arabia over neglect of duty.

Kyotalimye recently authored an audio message that went viral on social media calling for government to come to her rescue upon registering fear that she would be forcefully operated on her internal organs.

It was later discovered that Kyotalimye had been admitted in an isolation room at Damam Medical Complex in Saudi Arabia on allegations that she was infected with Tuberculosis (TB) and was immediately put on treatment.

Kyotalimye’s outcry called for intervention of the Office of the President in particular the Senior Presidential Advisor on Diaspora Affairs, Amb. Abbey Walusimbi who successfully coordinated her return to the country so that she can continue with the necessary treatment home.

Upon her return, Kyotalimye appreciated the President as well as Amb. Walusimbi for coming to her aid adding that they have saved her life from danger and uncertainty.

I thank God that I am finally home, despite being weak due to the medication that I have been taking but I am happy that I am still alive. Thanks to the President for making this dream come true,” Kyotalimye noted.

She was however quick to accuse the officials at the Ugandan Embassy in Saudi Arabia for paying a deaf ear whenever they are called upon to save Ugandans who are in dare need.

“I communicated to the people at the Embassy but when I engaged them severely, I wouldn’t get any response from them. No one would pick my phone calls; I am requesting the President to prevail over the Embassy. They assured me initially that I am in their hands but when I was released, I was left in space, contacted them and no one would come to my help. Upto now they haven’t reached out to me,” Kyotalimye said.

Amb. Abbey Walusimbi and Joan Kyotalimye addressing the media at Office of the President

She as well asked upon the President to help her with capital so that she can pick herself up after losing her job and her small business that she had before traveling to Saudi Arabia.

“I had gone out of the country to look out for capital but now I have been brought back home with totally nothing with me. In my current state I can’t join any employment and can’t go back to Saudi Arabia, I need help from whoever can help me out,” Kyotalimye said.

Speaking to media, Amb. Abbey Walusimbi revealed that the Office of the President has facilitated Joan’s safe return and was received the family members and Ambassador himself at Entebbe Airport aboard Ethiopian Airlines Flight number ET0413 which landed at 10:35 am.

He added: “We have informed the family, her Father Mr. Paul Guluma, Mother Esther Meeme, Senga Namugwano Agnes Suzan and Kojja Mubiru Mose Ntaani who were elated at the news. We further coordinated with Alasker International, the company that recruited her, Ministry of Gender, Ministry of Health, UAERA, Ministry of health and our Embassy in Saudi Arabia to facilitate the return on Mzeei’s Muzzukulu.”

Amb. Walusimbi said his office would continue to keep tabs on Joan until she is fully recovered, and “it will be upon her if she wants to return abroad, or work here, the government will support all her endeavors”.

Kyotalimye received at the Airport

He thanked the family for their patience and trust that the government to take care of and return their daughter to them.

He urged all stakeholders not to keep quiet and become spectators when any of any Ugandan nationals is suffering.

“To our children working abroad, do not hesitate to reach your Diaspora office in case of anything, because His excellency the president put us here to serve you regardless of creed, political affiliation or social status.”

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