
DPP Tasks Prosecutors to Prioritize Less Previlaged individuals

KAMPALA-The Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Jane Frances Abodo has called upon all the Prosecutors under her office to always take extra care to justice seekers who lack capacity to hire legal representatives.

Lady Justice Jane Frances Abodo addressing prosecutors at their symposium. (Photos by ODPP)

On officiating the grand opening of three day Annual Prosecutors’ Symposium, 2024  at Hotel Africana in Kampala, Abodo noted that 76 percent of the country’s population stay in rural areas and can’t afford to pay for legal representation.

“When people come to you for help, don’t toss them around by telling them come back tomorrow when you know you will not help them. Some of them you see them at offices without knowing that they sold their animals to get transport.”

“I would like to assure you that if you take a right decision , I will support you. So take the right decisions with out fear, favor or malice.”

She therefore warnned against those who will act against the set guidelines and procedures do it on their own risk and once caught they will face the law.

On the isssue of organized crime, Abodo noted that such engagements (symposium) are important because they are used as platforms at which all Prosecutors meet, discuss challenges faced on duty at the same time find possible solutions for them.

Some of the Prosecutors that turned up for their symposium.

“Organized Crime like drug abuse, Humman trafficking have been here but what has changed is that the criminals are using advanced technology to commit these offences, therefore. To move forward, we need to have more prosecutors who well trained and well equipped modern ICT equipments.”

Abodo further added that Uganda is ranked 7th in Africa and 2nd in East Africa when it comes to organised crime, thus the need for immediate intervention.

Dr. Munir Safieldin the Country Representative, UNICEF promised that they are ready to continue working with ODPP and other partners in combating organized crime out of Uganda.

“Child trafficking is a serious crime that still require effective Prosecution, children require justice and dignity. I call upon development partners like UNICEF to give extra care to this organized crime. We believe that fighting organized crime can be successful through prevention of poverty, investing in social services like education as well as empowering children to resist criminal network.”

The three day Prosecutors’ Symposium will close on Wednesday this week and Hon Nobert Mao the Minister for Justice and Constitutional Affairs is expected to be the guest of honor.

The theme this year Is “Strengthening Capacity building for Prosecution to counter organized and Emerging Crimes.”

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