Iron sheets saga: Minister Kitutu fails to account

DR. JIM SPIRE SSENTONGO: Why Ugandans Support Sanctions Slapped on Speaker Among

KAMPALA, UGANDA - Dr. Jim Spire Ssentongo, a lecturer at Makerere University and renowned political…

DAVID MAFABI: Journey to exonerate iron sheets thieves begins with sacrificing Kitutu

To the best of my recollection, it was in 2014 when the now embattled Minister…

BAZEL ODEKE: Siphoning from the impoverished, Karamoja iron sheets drama

When the water receded steadily from the earth after forty days, Noah opened the window…

Minister Kasaija: I was tricked into Karamoja iron sheets scandal

The Minister of Finance, Planning, and Economic Development, Matia Kasaija has defended himself as “innocent”…

Iron sheets saga: Minister Kitutu fails to account

The looming iron sheets saga has left many ministers without answers as to what the…