
Lawyer Mabirizi challenges extension of Mugisha’s Contract as NSWC Boss

City Lawyer Hassan Male Mabirizi Kiwanuka has described the appointment process of Dr. Syliver Mugisha as the Managing Director of National Water and Sewerage Coperation (NWSC) for another term in office as illegal and unconstitutional.

Eng Dr Silver Mugisha (courtesy photo)

According to Mabirizi’s complaint which has already been served to National Water Management, he contends that this appointment is Contrary to Section 16(1) of National Water & Sewerage

Corporation Act, 1995, which clearly does not allow extension of a Managing Director’s five-year term by stating that, “There shall be a managing director who shall be appointed by the board for a term of five years.”

“The board has routinely extended terms of holder of that office without competition and in a manner which is reasonably suspected to be influenced by bribery, the recent one being the 16th May 2023 re-appointment of Mr. Silver Mugisha, to be Managing Director for 15 years.”

Mabirizi revealed that under Silver Mugisha, there has been a gross nationwide corruption, nepotism, sexual harassment, persecution of

whistle blowers and hacking of the payment system due to an ‘inside job’. He adds that there is information that using public funds,Mugisha has been gratifying Board members and the result has been crippling the Board from doing its oversight role and clear contravention of the Act hence his illegal appointments.

“Now, Pursuant to Articles 17(1)(1), 41(1) of the Constitution and Sections 5 & 16(1) of Access to Information Act, 2005, request that you avail me with Adverts, Interviews ,Shortlist, Board Minutes and other records relating to appointment of Silver Mugisha as 2023-2028 Managing Director within the mandatory 21 days.” requested Mabirizi

Early this week , NWSC Board through its Chairperson Eng Badru Kiggundu announced another 5 year term for Eng Mugisha as the Managing Director for the Coperation.


Eng. Kiggundu said that Dr. Mugisha and his team’s performance had satisfied the board and thus congratulated him upon that achievement as they wished him a fruitful tenure.












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