
Uganda Quadball Tournament set for Saturday

WAKISO– Education for Life and Social Action (ELSA) with other partners have finalized plans to host the second Annual Quadball Tournament for Uganda.

Some of the players of ELSA quadball team celebrating victory recently.


The said tournament will be held at Bunamwaya Church of Uganda Primary School Play ground on Saturday December 2nd 2023.


According to Dumba Lawrence , one of teb organizers , this event will attract four teams from three districts of Uganda and a number of other stakeholders.


“The participating teams will come from Wakiso , Kampala and Jinja districts. we have invited a number of school heads to come and learn more about this game that is gaining popularity in the country.”


Dumba added that this game has been mainly in Primary and Secondary schools , but now their target is to introduce it to Universities starting with Kampala University Gaba Campus.


Mark Williams Ssebika , the Captain for ELSA Quadball team one of those that are going to participate as we caught up with him at the training grounds, expressed readiness to lead his team to success since they are well prepared.


“I Can’t wait to be among the best players of the tournament because our coach has given us all the required skills and tactics to win our opponents. we hope that all spectators will not leave the same.” he added


The winner will walk away with a cash prize that will be unveiled on that day as well as several medals that have been set aside by the organizers.


Being that its a new game in the country, all people will not be charged any coin to watch ths Saturday tournament.

Other people who will not be in position to attend the event physically , will watch it via zoom and other ELSA Social media platforms.





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