Uganda’s Museveni signs anti-gay bill into law

President Museveni has signed the anti-gay bill into law following improvements adopted to make it tougher for people engaging in homosexuality.

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni has assented to the anti-homosexuality bill, despite the condemnation of Western countries and human rights activists.

The bill was first passed by MPs in March but was returned to the parliament for amendment.

In the new law, the offense of homosexuality is now limited to gay sexual acts. People convicted under this clause face life imprisonment.

The legislation also prescribes the death penalty for aggravated offences, in cases of sexual abuse against a minor, a disabled person, or where a victim of abuse is infected with a life-long illness.

Members of the public will also be required to report to the authorities any form of homosexual abuse against children or other vulnerable people.

The law initially criminalised identifying as a sexual minority but Mr. Museveni argued that this would have led to the arrest and prosecution of people for just their physical appearance.

This clause was removed when the president returned the bill to the parliament.

A joint statement by the Global Fund, the US government’s President’s Emergency Plan for Aids Relief (Pepfar) and UNAIDS said in response to the new law that they were “deeply concerned” about its harmful impact.

They said it would obstruct health education and outreach on Aids, noting that LGBTQ people were increasing fearful of their safety and security and that more people were being discouraged from seeking vital health services.

It is likely that the law will be challenged in court.

A similar one was struck down by the Ugandan constitutional court in 2014.