
Africa Urged to Embrace Science, Technology, and Innovation for a Prosperous Future

African leaders, representatives, and experts gathered at the Sixth African Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI) Forum have emphasized the crucial role of science, technology, and innovation in building a prosperous future for the continent.

The forum, organized by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) in collaboration with the African Union Commission and other partners, brought together stakeholders to discuss the effective delivery of innovative science and technology solutions to reinforce the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Agenda 2063, and eradicate poverty in Africa.

The three-day forum, held under the theme “Effective delivery of innovative science and technology solutions to reinforce the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and Agenda 2063 and eradicate poverty in Africa,” aimed to identify strategies and opportunities for leveraging science, technology, and innovation to drive Africa’s economic growth, industrialization, and sustainable development.

“Africa’s prosperity depends on its ability to harness science, technology, and innovation to drive economic growth, industrialization, and sustainable development,” said Belete Molla, Minister of Technology and Innovation, Ethiopia, in his opening remarks. “Fostering innovation in key sectors like agriculture, clean energy, and healthcare can create jobs, improve livelihoods, and lift millions out of poverty.”

Antonio Pedro, Deputy Executive Secretary for Programme Support at the ECA, stressed the need for Africa to invest in human capital development, research and development (R&D), and in learning how to produce, sell, and use emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and genomics that are transforming every aspect of life.

“Africa must build its capacity to innovate and absorb new technologies to remain competitive in the global economy,” Pedro said. “We need to create an enabling environment that encourages innovation, entrepreneurship, and job creation, and addresses the social and economic challenges facing our continent.”

The forum featured high-level panel discussions, technical sessions, and exhibitions showcasing innovative solutions and technologies developed by African researchers, innovators, and entrepreneurs. Participants also discussed the importance of partnerships and collaborations in driving science, technology, and innovation in Africa.

“We need to work together to mobilize resources, expertise, and knowledge to address our common challenges and seize opportunities,” said Mahama Ouedraogo, Permanent Representative of Burkina Faso to the AU and the UNECA. “Regional and international partnerships are crucial for leveraging science, technology, and innovation to achieve our development goals.”

The Sixth African STI Forum is a precursor to the African Regional Forum on Sustainable Development, which aims to accelerate the implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and Agenda 2063 in Africa.

The forum outcome is expected to inform the development of a comprehensive STI strategy for Africa, which will be presented to the African Union Assembly for adoption.

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