
Corporal Walukayo suspended from Police over charcoal

Police driver suspended for disobeying Presidential Executive order suspending the burning and transporting of charcoal from Karamoja region.

Police truck which was being driven by the dismissed Corporal. (Courtesy Image)

CPL Walukayo Jude a policeman attached to Elgon region in Mbale has been dismissed from the force after being found guilty of committing a scandalous act under the laws governing Uganda Police.

Coporal Walukayo Jude is a police driver who was arrested on 3rd July 2023 while transporting 80 bags of charcoal along the Nakapiripirit-Moroto highway, in a lorry truck under registration number UP 9639.

He was immediately charged with scandalous behaviour and dismissed from the Force.

According to Police Spokesperson Fred Enanga , thereafter, charged to court, with 3 other charcoal dealers, who included; Okiror Isaiah, Mugabi Peter and Mubogi David Luke, for the illegal possession and dealing in forestry products.

The 4 were later remanded to Namalu Prison.


The operations against charcoal dealings in Karamoja are ongoing following the executive Directive from H.E. the President.

President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni in his Executive Order banned the burning of charcoal in Karamoja region.

“However, under the ban I have imposed, it must only be the

Minister of Environment on the

recommendation of the RDC, that

will authorise that symbiotic

charcoal burning in that area I have

indicated.” Museveni ordered


















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