
Dr. Paul Kawanga Ssemogerere Dead

Dr. Paul was born on 11th February 1932, at Bumangi, Buggala Island, in the Ssese and he was baptized on 18th February of the same year.

Dr. Paul Kawanga Ssewogerere was born on 11th February 1932, at Bumangi, Buggala Island, in the Ssese and he was baptized on 18th February of the same year.

Dr. Paul Kawanga Ssemogerere, the Democratic Party’s former President has died aged 90.

A close family member has confirmed to URN that Dr. Ssemogerere who twice contested for Presidency and led DP for over 25 years died early Friday at his home in Rubaga.

Dr. Paul was born on 11th February 1932, at Bumangi, Buggala Island, in the Ssese and he was baptized on 18th February of the same year.

In 1940, he started formal education at St. John’s Boys Boarding Primary School. He later joined St. Henry’s College Kitovu, in the Primary Section, before the Primary component was abolished; and then at Kisubi Boys where he completed his Primary Leaving Certificate in1946. In 1947 Paul Kawanga joined St.Mary’s College KisubiJunior Secondary One.

He obtained the SecondaryLeaving Certificate in 1949, was admitted to Senior Secondary One in 1950, and obtained the Cambridge OverseasSchool Certificate in 1952.

After St. Mary’s College Kisubi, Paul Kawanga Ssemogerereenrolled at Makerere College, then the University College of East Africa, when it was still an affiliate of the University of London, he underwent an Intermediate Course (the equivalent of Higher School Certificate) and, thereafter joined the Faculty of Education for a Diploma in Education (Dip. Ed. EA; 1959)

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