
Maturity: Weasel rallies support towards Clever J’s concert

Douglas Mayanja aka Weasle Manizo has amused social media critics after expressing commitment and support to Clever J’s concert dubbed ‘Eddogo lyafuluka’ scheduled to take place this Friday at KCCA grounds Lugogo.

Clever J

Although Clever J is known to be at logger heads with Mayanja Family who are his cousins (Where Weasle belongs) due to various reasons , Weasle’s move has surprised many.

“Tujja Tujja link up deyaa” Literally translated that we are coming is the message posted on Weasle’s official Face book Page ‘ Radio and Weasle’ accompanied by aposter for the show.

Pallasso reacts
Pius Mayanja aka Pallaso another musician from Mayanja Family recently when he was contacted in an interview on whether he will attend Clever J’s concert, he revealed that if he gets invited to perform he will respond positively adding that incase he is not invited and he has time , he will attend like any other fan.




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