
Ministry of Education releases framework for continued learning during Covid-19 lockdown in Uganda

Following the closure of institutions of learning on 20th March 2020 by His Excellency the President of the Republic of Uganda, the Ministry of Education and Sports (MoES) designed a Preparedness and Response Plan to COVID-19 with a focus on continuity of learning, among others.

The MoES, worked with a consortium of different stakeholders, under the guidance of the National Curriculum Development Centre (NCDC), to develop standardised study lesson packages in the core subjects for primary and secondary levels, to be distributed to all learners.

In addition, model teachers will prepare lessons to be aired delivered on radio and television stations across the country.

There are also prerecorded lessons that will be accessed online. The focus in the short term is the provision of remedial lessons targeting topics that could have been covered by learners while at school. However, in the medium and long term, lessons for the proceeding terms will be developed.

The framework emphasises an inclusive and equitable approach for all learners irrespective of their social and economic status, geographical location, or disability status. Though the immediate need is during the time when schools are closed, it is postulated that learners will continue using the materials developed (especially the print, audio, video, and online materials) for practice even when schools have reopened.

This framework outlines the objectives of this intervention, how learning will occur, the lesson delivery, the roles and responsibilities of the parents/guardians/siblings, learners, teachers and District/Municipal Education Officers (D/MEOs) and District and Municipal Inspectors of Schools (D/MIS’) and guidance on lesson preparation and delivery for radio and television.

Click here to download the framework for continued learning during COVID-19 lockdown in Uganda


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