
My Appointment will benefit both the Artists and Business Sector – Balaam

KAMPALA– The newly appointed State Minister for Gender in charge of Youth and Children Affairs , Businessman Dr. Balaam Barugahare has welcomed the news as he vowed to register changes during his term of office.

Dr. Balaam Barugahare (in orange stripped T.shirt) with President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni at one of the events (Courtesy photo)

“I look forward to working with and supporting the President in his visionary and deliberate efforts towards the socio-economic transformation of the people of Uganda, especially the youth.”

“I pledge to serve Uganda in a patriotic manner, listen to the youth and their concerns, engage with them, mobilize them, and empower them towards bettering themselves and improving their lives.” Remarked Balaam

He also pointed out that his appointment is a vote of confidence in him , MK Army, Bunyoro and the Patriotic youth, but its also a vote of confidence for the art industry (artists and promoters) and the business community of Uganda.

“ I exceedingly thank my role model and Uganda’s next President, Gen @mkainerugaba for identifying, training, mentoring, deploying, and entrusting me to be his Deputy in the whole of Western Uganda.” He added

Balaam is one of the people that surprised many Ugandans when he appeared on the Cabinet list that was released last night.

Who is Balaam?

Dr. Balaam Barugahara Ateenyi commonly known as Balaam was born in July 28th, 1979 from Mbarara Hospital to Gladesi Byenkya Abwooli of Kalisizo District in Central Buganda, and the late Engineer David Balaam Byenkya Akiiki of Kijura.

Balaam is the fifth child among 14 children of Engineer Byenkya who passed away at a tender age in 1991.

He is a Ugandan and Munyoro by tribe

He attended Namasaggali Secondary School and St. John Bosco Senior Secondary School for his O level studies and Original Progressive Senior Secondary School for A-level studies.

Balaam later on pursued a Diploma in Marketing in 2001 and a bachelor’s degree in commerce in 2007 at Makerere University.

He also holds a Bachelor of Commerce from Makerere University and a Masters of Business Administration from Cavendish University

He is a Ugandan business man, music , events promoter and Politician.

He is the Chief Executive officer of Balaam group of companies, operating both in Uganda and South Sudan.

His investments are mainly in the areas of entertainments (Promotions and Marketing) , broadcasting (several radio stations in various regions of Uganda) , real estate, Manufacturing, hotels, and resorts.

He is a humble rich man commonly known by many people as the man with strong love and attachment to Orange T shirts (personal brand).

Politically , he is a strong member of National Resistance Movement (NRM) at the same time one of the top leaders in the Patriotic League of Uganda (PLU) where he serves as Vice Chairperson for Western Region.

Balaam in August 2023 was elected President of the National Federation of Entertainment Promoters Limited (NAFEP)





















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