
Nakalema’s Father, family celebrates his ordination as Reverland

Bishop Sheldon Fredrick Mwesigwa, the Bishop of Ankole Diocese, has urged Christians to Persistently put trust in their Lord in all times despite of the challenges they may face in life.

Reverland Deacon

Rev Deacon Eliasaph Sserwadda and Bishop for Ankole Sheldon Mwesigwa.

At the Thanksgiving Ceremony held at by the Family of Rev Deacon Eliasaph Serwadda (Col Edith Nakalema’s father) appreciating the Lord who enabled him to be ordained as well as appreciating what he has done for him through out the 50 years of he has spent in Church Ministry.

Bishop Michael Lubowa for Central Buganda Diocese , who ordainaed the celebrant , based at this ceremony held at All Saints Kanyeganyegye in Mbarara district to pray for people who lost their children in the recent attack on Mpondwe Lhubiriha SS in Kasese district.

The Bishop for North Kigezi Diocese, Bishop Onesmas Asiimwe has applauded Rev Deacon Eliasaph for being committed in ensuring that he graduates to another level in terms of serving the Lord and thus called upon the young people to take it as an example to always aim higher.

Rev Deacon Eliasaph Sserwadda sharing a light moment with his daughter Col Edith Nakalema during the celebrations.

Col Edith Nakalema the Head of Investors Protectorate Unit in State House, on behalf of Serwada’s family thanked Church of Uganda for the support it extended to their father , that this helped them alot in their schooling.

Rev Serwadda appreciated all those who have extended a hand to him through out the 50 years of service adding that its through these people that the Lord has blessed him.

This event attracted people from all walks of life including dignitaries from Government, Agencies , Local Government, Religious leaders among others.

Among the prominent individuals at this ceremony is Chief Justice Bart Magunda Katureebe , the retired Chief Justice, Allen Kagina the Executive Director Uganda National Roads Authority (UNRA) , Uganda Revenue Authority (URA) boss John Musinguzi , Major General Sabiiti Muzeeyi and many others.




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