
Namanve Industrial Park Project: Lagan – Dott dismisses fuel crisis reports

The Kampala Industrial and Business Park (KIBP) is located 11 KM of Kampala, adjacent to the Kampala- Jinja Road and is proposed to become a model industrial park for the rest of the country.

The Kampala Industrial and Business Park (KIBP) is located 11 KM of Kampala, adjacent to the Kampala- Jinja Road and is proposed to become a model industrial park for the rest of the country.

KAMPALA – Lagan – Dott, the construction consortium spearheading the task of upgrading the Kampala Industrial Business Park at Namanve, has dismissed allegations of fuel shortages hindering the transportation of construction materials to the project site, as baseless and fake news.

In response to these unfounded claims, Eng Andrew Bamanya, the project director and chairman for the consortium, issued a resolute statement urging the public to disregard the misinformation circulating on certain social media platforms, emphasizing that it should be treated with the contempt it deserves.

Bamanya unequivocally labeled the allegations as a calculated act of blackmail orchestrated by competitors, staunchly asserting, “This is a total blackmail attributed to our competitors because it’s not true. We have enough resources to undertake that project, which is running very smoothly, and in fact, it’s a shock that someone can decide to allege something that is totally not true.”

Furthermore, it is imperative to note that in 2019, the government of Uganda secured a loan from the UK government to revamp critically deteriorated infrastructure facilities, encompassing roads, water and sewage systems, electricity, and ICT, within the Namanve area. As of the present, the project’s progress has exceeded 50%, and it is on track to be completed by 2025.

Lagan – Dott remains unwavering in its commitment to the timely and successful completion of the Namanve project, and it stands firm in its dedication to upholding the highest standards of integrity and professionalism in the face of baseless accusations.

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