
UCU is a land of potential, says Prof. Mushengyezi

Prof. Mushengyezi the former dean at the School of Languages, Literature, and Communication at Makerere University says it is very clear that UCU is value-based.

By Frank Obonyo
“This is a state-of-the-art University. I cannot believe that you can go to the students’ halls of residence and you find functional washrooms. Your lecture room windows are made of glass but none of them is broken. This is strange to me! Do you people live in Uganda?”

These were the words of Prof. Aaron Mushengyezi, the incoming Uganda Christian University (UCU) Vice-Chancellor during his maiden tour of the Mukono based campus.

Prof. Mushengyezi the former dean at the School of Languages, Literature, and Communication at Makerere University said it is very clear that UCU is value-based. There is a pattern of trying to safeguard history, culture, and minimum quality of standards.

“The campus has a very rear sight. It is extremely organized and the land of potential for many things” he said.

He was received and guided around the campus by the Vice-Chancellor, Rev. Canon. Dr. John Senyonyi, flanked by his deputies, Mr. David Mugawe, Finance and Administration, and Dr. John Kitayimbwa of Academic Affairs. He said that he is impressed by the way the university is managed.

UCU’s Council resolves that finalists with retakes will have to wait until the University is fully opened

“I have got a good impression because this University cherishes standard. No wonder, it is an “A Centre of Excellence in the Heart of Africa”

He also noted that UCU has room for growth especially in research and more facilities. Prof. Mushengyezi also promised students that together with his team, they will create more amenities such as a business center to enable them to enjoy campus life and excel in academics.

He thanked the previous vice-chancellors; Bishop Eliphaaz Maari, Rev. Prof. Stephen Noll, and the outgoing Vice-Chancellor, Rev. Canon Dr. John Senyonyi for laying a firm foundation for him.

He toured the dinning, library, sports facilities, halls of residence, the vice-chancellors 1906 residence, Technology Park, lecture rooms, all faculty offices, the bakery, and Eunice Guest House.



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