
Uganda ranked 43rd out of 120 countries in budget transparency

Finance Minister Matia Kasaija (left) and Uganda Debt Network Board Chairman Fred Omach at the launch of the budget survey.

Finance Minister Matia Kasaija (left) and Uganda Debt Network Board Chairman Fred Omach at the launch of the budget survey.

Uganda has been ranked 43rd out of 120 countries in the world in terms of having a transparent and open National Budget.

According to the report authored by International Budget Partnership and Uganda Debt Network, Uganda scored 58% in transparency, 19% in public participation and 59% in budget oversight, with ranking at 43rd out of 120 countries. The survey was based on the 2021/22 budget.

Speaking at the release of the Open Budget Survey results in Kampala on Tuesday, 12 July 2022, Mr Fred Omach Jachan, the Board Chairman of Uganda Debt Network, noted that Uganda has increased the availability of the budget information by increasing the information provided in the In-Year Reports.

However, he said that Uganda government has decreased the availability of the budget information by failing to publish the Enacted Budget Online in time.

Christine Byiringiro, Program Manager Uganda Debt Network, in an area TV interview, said sometimes information about the budget is not published in a timely manner.

“As soon as the budget is approved by parliament, it is supposed to be uploaded to the website within three months,” she said.

“In the oversight function of the Open Budget Survey citizens are able to hold their leaders accountable. This results in improved service delivery if citizens participate in the budget processes and they are transparent,” Byiringiro said

Mr Omach said the Open Budget survey is the world’s only comparative, independent, and regular assessment of transparency, oversight and participation in national budgets in 120 countries.

Finance Minister Matia Kasaija who launched the open budget survey results said this survey gives Govt an opportunity to evaluate its interventions and obtain feedback on the extent they are contributing to attain desired outcomes.

He said his ministry is committed to addressing issues highlighted adding that deliberate measures will be put in place to enhance public participation by diversifying formal opportunities offered to the public to participate in the budget process & oversight.

Deputy Secretary to the Treasury Patrick Ocailap thanked International Budget Partnership & Uganda Debt Network for coordinating this Survey.

Ocailap said they will continue to implement a number of initiatives aimed at strengthening the collaboration with Civil Society Organisations under the Budget Transparency Initiative.


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