
Ugandans demand accountability from plastic manufacturers

Kampala, Uganda – A groundbreaking survey reveals that 93% of Ugandans support requiring plastic manufacturers to pay fees for reuse, recycling, and safe management of plastic waste. This overwhelming majority sends a clear message that citizens hold manufacturers responsible for the environmental impact of their products.

The survey, conducted by Ipsos and commissioned by WWF and the Plastic Free Foundation, polled 24,727 respondents across 32 countries, including Uganda. The findings indicate a strong desire among Ugandans to address the plastic pollution crisis, which has severe consequences on the country’s waterways, soil, and wildlife.

In addition to the 93% support for requiring plastic manufacturers to pay fees, the survey also found that 97% of Ugandans support a global treaty to address plastic pollution. Furthermore, 96% believe it’s important to ban chemicals used in plastic that are hazardous to human health, wildlife, and the environment. Additionally, 96% support banning types of plastic that cannot be easily recycled in practice, and 96% believe transparent labeling on plastic products is crucial. Moreover, 97% think manufacturers and retailers should provide reuse and refill systems, and 89% agree that a global treaty should ensure all participating countries have access to funding, technology, and resources to comply with the rules.

Dr. Emmanuel Otaala, Chairperson of the Committee on Environment and Natural Resources, emphasized individual responsibility in addressing plastic pollution, stating, “Each citizen has a responsibility to balance development with environmental protection… We must recognize that our actions harm the environment and future generations.”

Ivan Twebuhimbiise, Country Director of WWF Uganda, called for critical discussions and solutions, saying, “We must examine our behavior, culture, and preferences… Are we ready for policy change and behavior change?”

Paul Twebaze, a research fellow at ACODE, highlighted the need for comprehensive studies, noting, “The findings should be considered in light of its methodology… A more comprehensive study would reveal that many Ugandans still favor single-use plastics.”

The survey’s results serve as a call to action for policymakers, manufacturers, and consumers to work together to address the plastic pollution crisis and create a more sustainable future.


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